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  3. Storage & Security
  4. Items you can and cannot store

Items you can and cannot store

Furniture, bicycles, boxes, books, golf bags, house decorations, baby clothes, appliances, documents, office furniture, pretty much anything except the following:

  1. Any single item that is longer than 2.25m
  2. Vehicles
  3. Living things (e.g. fish, animals or house plants)
  4. Illegal/controlled substances of any kind
  5. Liquids of any kind
  6. Food or perishables
  7. Any items that give off smells/fumes
  8. Hazardous materials (i.e. anything containing gas, anything combustible/flammable, firearms, explosives, used tires, chemicals, radioactive/biological/toxic materials, anything containing asbestos)

For a complete list of prohibited items please see our T&Cs. Please note that any white goods (freezers, fridges, washing machines) can be stored however must be drained of water and completely dry before pickup.

Updated on 22/11/2022
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